Logistics Management
The shipping industry is facing many challenges such as logistics, a fluctuating, every day changing market, increased fuel prices, changing environmental regulations and the cost of avoiding hazardous areas.
Every day, you and your staff have to make critical business decisions based on a massive amount of ever-changing information in a rapidly moving and sometimes dangerous environment.
Chipinc.net has been providing Logistic solutions since 2007, help the firms to reduce the manpower, resources and enhance productivity. Through our "Crate Management System," we collect the used crates from the supermarket and reuse. This helps them to cut their cost, and leverage the focus on the growth of their firm. Many supermarkets have partnered with us, and are benefitted by our service. We extend this same service to you to enhance your business.

A seamless, effective shipping organization requires the ability to access up-to-date data, anytime, anywhere with relevant meaningful information on your fingertips.
CHIP shipping management solution helps facilitate your decision-making and ensures your data works for you.
CHIP offers industry-leading shipping software which integrates Chartering, Operations, Control, Accounts & Finance in one strong flexible and agile solution helping to streamline your business and increase your productivity.
Shipping Software
CHIP offers you instant access to advanced shipping management software with zero maintenance and no IT infrastructure. You can connect anytime; anywhere all you need is a PC or Tab connected to the internet.
It is exceptionally easy to get started by downloading and installing the CHIP Client application that supports various cloud providers.
Visually compare planned routes against actual routes followed on a map interface also easily identify bottlenecks and enhancing your line CHIP optimisation.
Smart geo-fencing around origin, destination and all in-transit hubs for real-time ETA calculation; hub-in hub-out reports to assist fleet tracking.
Our zone wise reports and control room setups use Line CHIP Transport Analytics with configurable dashboards that fit any industry, client need or specific need with screen size support ranging from tablet to television.
Unlimited storage of historical location tracking published APIs to integrate truck or fleet tracking and distance data into financial systems.
Light and quick integration with SAP, Microsoft, IBM, Sales force or in-house ERP, OMS and CRM systems using open APIs for exchange of distance and time data for applications such as invoicing.
Suggestions for best routes and ETA between any two locations across the country based on previous Truck routing and data from external sources such as weather, traffic trends and timings.
Network analysis using delay density bubble maps, heat maps and visual map-based bottleneck analysis for efficient route planning.
Periodic and gradual change in ETAs between every set of hubs based on actual real-time location and time data making it the most optmized truck logistics software.